Fishing Report 04/22/2022
How’s fishing? This week fishing has been good. A couple angler said fishing was slow for them at times but for the most part a good week of fishing. We got some good rain yesterday(Thursday) causing the water level to rise again, though this has been the case for most of the first part of this fishing season. Many anglers have been using a variety of flies and lures this week. Mop flies and midges in zone 1 were pretty popular this week. Skunk and Bumblebee Rooster Tails have also been a hit this week. I was able to take my daughter down to Zone 3 on Monday and was successful with White Glitter PowerBait. Remember Saturday April 23rd is Veteran Fishing Day and Veterans can fish for free. We are forecasted to have some warm weather this weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. See you on the stream.
Ellie Bennett from Lewistown, MO
Water Levels
Bennett Spring
Discharge levels in cubic feet per second:
age House reading (water level) 3.15
Discharge levels in cubic feet per second:
Minimum was 81 in 1981
25th percentile is 160
Median is 225
Mean 283
75th percentile is 262
Today's reading 574
Record high max was 868 in 1972
Niangua River
Gage House reading (water level) is 10.50
Discharge levels in cubic feet per second:
Minimum was 89.8 in 2014
25th percentile is 195
Median is 281
Mean 692
75th percentile is 763
Today's reading 6380
Record high max was 4250 in 2017
Lance and Joe from Ashland, MO
Weather Forecast
Saturday: low 65 and high 81
Sunday: low 54 and high 70
Monday: low 46 and high 62
Tuesday: low 39 and high 63
Wednesday: low 41 and high 70
Thursday: low 49 and high 73
Friday: low 56 and high 71
Saturday: low 57 and high 71
Zone 1 or 2
black midge
red midge
Original Glow Ball
Marabou - black and yellow
new "Bleeding Black and yellow marabou
Black and Chartreuse
Mop Flies- Olive, cream and brown.
Rooster Tails-Bumblebee, Skunk and Black Glitter
Zone 3
PowerBait White Glitter, Yellow Glitter and Chartreuse Glitter
Lunker Club
Dustin from Lake Ozark, MO, 3 lbs 9 oz with a minnow in Zone 3
Geof from High Ridge, MO-2 lbs 8 oz on yellow and white jig in Zone 1
Evan from Arnold, MO- 2.25 lbs with Bumblebee Rooster Tail in Zone 1
Upcoming events for April
Friends of Bennett Fly Tying every Wednesday at 9 A.M to Noon at the Nature Center
Bennett Traditions-Nature Quilt blocks every 4th Thursday of each month
April 23rd- Veterans Free Fishing day
April 23rd- All about reptiles
Quote of the Week - “Sharing the fun of fishing turns strangers into friends in a few hours.” - Eugenie Clark.
Thanks for reading,